Professional Chiropractic In Leeds

Neck pain and Whiplash


Neck pain and Whiplash

Today’s modern living causes immense problems for the neck and shoulder region. Poor work posture, repetitive tasks, stress and inactivity can all cause pain and discomfort in the neck and shoulders. 


This can often be associated with headaches. A large percentage of neck injuries are caused by car accidents, but the neck is always vulnerable as it supports the weight of your head. Neck injuries can occur at relatively low speeds depending on the head position at the time of impact. Pain is not always instant and can arise several weeks, even months later.


Chiropractic manipulation and muscle work will help restore normal movement to your neck. You may also be prescribed exercises to help you regain strength and flexibility and relieve the long-term pain and discomfort.

Neck Pain

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us.

Call us now on 0113 266 1419


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