Professional Chiropractic In Leeds

Sports Injuries


Sports injury

Sports injuries are very often no more than everyday problems that have been exposed when an occasional athlete over-stresses their body when taking up a new activity. Participating in sport may also leave you open to repetitive strain injury and over-use of specific parts of the body resulting in shoulder tendonitis, tennis/golfer’s elbow or even carpal tunnel syndrome. We can help you recover quicker and with less pain. 

We can help athletes get their body parts moving well again and recommend that you should be fit enough before you start any strenuous sport. For serious athletes, pre-season checks can identify, treat and strengthen any weak areas before injuries occur. Regular check-ups will help to maintain optimum performance.

Sports Injuries

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us.

Call us now on 0113 266 1419


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